Sunday, July 29, 2007

My boring Sunday

Do Sundays always have to be so boring? Do we have to always please some one else? I'm so bored of compromising. It hurts me to always not have my way. there are moments when i feel things have to be done and if the person i always do it for doesn't always want to do it for me than whats the point? do women always have to compromise in whatever they have to do? why is it that the woman has to bear with her guy or husbands moods? does a woman always have to listen and please the man. aren't we living in a cosmopolitan society? that's why i wanna go back home and do what i want to do. i love my guy, but I've gotta realise that there's a life beyond him. there has to be a life beyond him. I'm so dependent on him that i wanna get over that. I was to try to do that but was so busy with him that i forgot to be strong and he's made me weak all over again. he doesn't do it deliberately but he doesn't realise it hurts me. Wish i was a little more independent. I wish i could make him feel the way he does. Anyway tomorrow is Monday morning and i don't want to have Monday morning blues

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